7 Signs It May Be Time to See a Cardiologist

Our heart works the hardest to keep our body up and running. Beating more than 100000 times a day, every day, this crucial muscle deserves the preventive care it needs to ensure its functioning isn’t disrupted. Heart diseases have skyrocketed in the past decades, all thanks to our lifestyle. Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. It’s wise to say that knowing when to visit the best cardiology hospital in bangalore, the awareness around this can save lives.

7 Reasons to See a Cardiologist in Bangalore:

  1.  Chest Pain:

The hallmark symptom of a heart problem is chest pain. While there could be several other reasons not concerning the heart, chest pressure that intensifies with activity could indicate the heart’s incapacity to get enough blood. At Sanjeevini Hospitals, Our team comprising the best cardiologist in Bangalore can help accurately determine the cause for such discomfort and suggest the next course of treatment.

  1. High Blood Pressure:

Blood pressure refers to the force of blood rushing against the artery walls. Having chronic high pressure could worsen the health of the heart as it has to strive harder to circulate blood. This could lead to a stroke or heart attack.

  1. Diabetes:

Diabetes is highly correlated to cardiovascular issues. Unregulated blood sugar affects the blood vessels and raises the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Our super proficient team of cardiologists at Sanjeevini Hospital works closely with primary care physicians to give the best advice and keep your blood sugar levels well-regulated.

  1. History of Smoking or Shortness of Breath, Dizziness, or Palpitations:

Smoking is one of the most preventable risk factors for heart disease. It can lead to high blood pressure and worsen the heart’s overall health over time. When experiencing shortness of breath, or other generic symptoms, it is wise to consult the doctor to check if it’s a heart issue.

  1. High Cholesterol:

High cholesterol makes your heart highly susceptible to diseases and dysfunctionalities. When diagnosed with high cholesterol it is always advisable to keep a sharp eye on the health of the heart as it could plague the arteries and create cardiological complications.

  1. Peripheral Arterial Disease:

Arteries are the vessels responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the other parts of the body. A pre-existing disease in the arteries located in other parts of the body could pave way for coronary artery diseases. Our expert cardiologists at  Sanjeevini Hospital can guide you on the due course of pathological procedures and treatment required for this.

  1. Chronic Kidney Disease:

A dysfunctional kidney could raise the risk of having heart disease. Kidney ailments are closely tied to high blood pressure and ailing arteries. Anybody with a dysfunctional kidney should consult our team of cardiologists at Sanjeevini Hospital to have proper advice on protecting the health of the heart and preventing any damage to the most hard-working muscle of the body.

For any doubts or symptoms around cardiological health, the primary step should be to search for “best cardiologist near me in Bangalore”,  consult a proficient cardiologist and get the due course of pathological procedures done. Any delay in diagnosis or treatment could be fatal to the health and well-being of the patient. Visit Sanjeevini Hospital and consult our team of professionals to have a healthy heart and healthy life.
