5 Tips to Avoid a Tech-Related Orthopaedic Injury

Technology has changed the way businesses operate and has been a revelation of sorts. But at the same time, the benefits do come at a cost. Sometimes, the cost of your health. However, with certain strict attention to health and following some routine practices, much agony can be avoided resulting from a tech-related sports injury.

Parameters That Matter:

With work from home continuing to be the new norm post the pandemic, many of you would surely be feeling the stress. Extending hours of working on your computer systems can make you vulnerable and put you at risk of developing orthopaedic injuries. The most common ones observed are neck and back pain.

This condition results from maintaining an unnatural and uncomfortable posture when you look at your screens for a prolonged period.

To reduce the trauma caused due to tech-related orthopaedic injuries, experienced orthopaedic doctors working at Sanjeevini Hospital, rated as the best orthopedic hospital in Bangaloreshare a few tips that can help.

Tips to Reduce Chronic Injuries:

  • Setting up Your Workstation: It all begins here. Right at the word go Setting up your workstation plays a big role in ensuring a correct approach. Resting your back and maintaining a minimum distance from the computer screen can help avoid many complications with respect to back and neck injuries. Experts suggest that taking a physician’s opinion will also work well in planning what suits you the best.
  • Check Your Posture: This is extremely critical. Maintaining a proper posture is vital for equal distribution of load.It is frequently observed that most people lean over their desks when they type, which is the primary cause of tech neck. You can consider placing your keyboard on your lap as one of the options to keep you from bringing your shoulders and chin forward.
  • Take Breaks:Taking regular breaks will do a world of good. This can help you destress your eyes, shoulder and fingers which are constantly at stress when you are in front of the system. Taking periodic breaks of 10 minutes will serve well in avoiding tech-related orthopaedic injuries.
  • Perform Stretching Exercises:Stretching exercises can help a lot to rejuvenate yourself and get back energy. Long working hours can drain you out and result in chronic pains. Some basic and mild exercises can do a world of good.
  • Do Not Overwork:As much as possible try to organize your workload based on priorities. Do not overwork as this can put you at risk of developing shoulder injuries and in turn chronic illnesses. Plan your work so that you maintain the correct working hours.
Wrapping Up: 

Orthopaedic injuries can be very stressful and painful. However, according to our orthopedic surgeon in Bangalore, certain discipline and care towards your health can help you avoid complications. For more information, feel free to connect with our vastly experienced and people-friendly orthopaedic doctors at Sanjeevini Hospital, the best hospital for orthopaedic care in Bangalore.